When Slender Man was first announced by Sony, the film had immediately incurred backlash as its titular character, which depicts a man with an abnormally long arms and a featureless face, was the apparent inspiration for the brutal stabbing and attempted murder of Payton Leutner, who was stabbed 19 times by two 12-year old girls. The Sylvain White-directed pic has drawn ire from Leutner’s family, who accused the movie of capitalizing on her attack.
Despite setbacks regarding the controversy and reports of clashing between the studio and its producers, the next trailer for Slender Man arrived, complete with requisite horror and terror we’d expect from a tale brimming with much dread. Four friends perform a ritual to dispel the small town lore of the movie’s titular figure, only the have their plan go away when one of their friends, Katie, go missing. The trailer depicts scenes of its three leading actresses scouring the woods to solve Katie’s disappearance with dire consequences. Written by David Birke, the horror flick stars Joey King, Jaz Sinclair and Julia Goldani Telles. Slender Man arrives in theaters on August 10.
Check out the latest trailer for Slender Man in the trailer below.