BBC Two has announced what it calls a gripping, high-octane thriller set in present day London, titled “Collateral,” which hails from pre-eminent playwright David Hare and stars Carey Mulligan who leads an ensemble cast that includes Nathaniel Martello-White, who will appear in John Ridley’s upcoming maligned Showtime network period drama-thriller “Guerrilla,” as well as John Simm, Nicola Walker, and Billie Piper.
Directed by SJ Clarkson, the 4-part “Collateral” unfolds over the course of four days, exploring the spiraling repercussions surrounding the fatal shooting of a pizza delivery man. Refusing to accept this is a random act of senseless violence, tough and single-minded Detective Inspector Kip Glaspie (Mulligan) is determined to discover if there is a darker truth.
No word at this time what role Nathaniel Martello-White has signed up to play, but it’s said to be a lead role opposite Mulligan.
This should be a top-notch production for the actor, given the talent in front of and behind the camera, including screenwriter David Hare (also a notable playwright) whose feature film writing credits include critically-acclaimed films like “The Hours” and “The Reader,” both of which won Academy Awards.
Netflix is also a producer, by the way, so the 4-part limited series will likely end up premiering on the streaming platform after its BBC run, if not simultaneously.
“I’ve been writing drama for the BBC since 1973, but this is my first original series. I’m thrilled that it has such a stunningly gifted cast,” David Hare said.
Piers Wenger, Controller of BBC Drama, added: “’Collateral’ is a highly imaginative, thought-provoking and utterly contemporary state of the nation thriller written by Britain’s foremost political dramatist. It is a great honor to welcome Sir David Hare back to the BBC and to be working with both he and The Forge on this outstanding piece of original work.”
“Collateral” will premiere on BBC Two and is co-produced by The Forge and Netflix.
Executive Producers are creator David Hare, George Faber and Mark Pybus for The Forge, Lucy Richer for the BBC and SJ Clarkson.
Filming is underway in London. No ETA at this time.
Up next for Nathaniel Martello-White, catch him in “Guerrilla” on the Showtime network, premiering this Sunday, April 16.