The conflict between Love & Marriage: Huntsville executive producer Carlos King and star Melody Rodgers, appears to be escalating. Based on their social media activity, as Empress Radio on YouTube noted, the two no longer follow each other, though they previously did.

The first indication of tension came months ago when Shari suggested King might be creating drama behind the scenes. While preparing to ship orders for her beauty line, Seventh Avenue Beauty, Shari aired grievances about the show’s production during an Instagram Live. She described what she called “toxic leadership” and seemed to indirectly reference King, who hosts a weekly recap of the show and other reality TV topics called Messy Mondays.

“When you are in a leadership position or so-called leadership position or executive position, there are just certain things you’re supposed to do,” Shari said. “You don’t talk about the people that are putting a check in your pocket. I’ve never seen the owner of Seventh Avenue talk about the people putting money in their pockets.”

Shari also criticized behaviors she characterized as “self-destructive,” adding, “That’s all they know is self-destruction.” Later, she defended her remarks in an Instagram Story, doubling down on her earlier statements about the dynamics surrounding the show.