An intriguing, diverse film is set to make is debut at 2019 Berlin International Film Festival.
Knives and Skin is directed by Jennifer Reeder.
Here’s the description: A stylish thriller diving into the lives of teenagers, the film is a tender, feminist teen noir that redefines the high school movie. Three girls, Afra, April and Joanna, form a bond in the aftermath of another girl’s disappearance. Sophomore year in the racially diverse community turns strange when a succession of traumas accelerates each character’s coming-of-age and mysteries emerge from every complication. Their girlhood is a place of transcendence but also transgression in Knives and Skin that embraces its own stylish beast reminiscent of such beloved teen classics like American Graffiti, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, The Breakfast Club, Dazed and Confused and Mean Girls that form part of its rich cultural DNA.
The film premieres Saturday at Berlinale 2019.
Watch a clip below: