Kellee Stewart will star in a comedy series based on her own life, titled “BBF” (Black Best Friend), which hails from both Stewart and her TBS series “My Boys” co-executive producer Sebastian Jones. Kellee Stewart co-starred in “My Boys,” which ran for 5 seasons from 2006 to 2010.
Also Cedric the Entertainer will executive produce “BBF.” Stewart played a recurring role on Cedric’s TV Land comedy series “The Soul Man.”
“BBF” is currently set up at Fox through 20th Century Fox TV with a script commitment.
Written by Jones, “BBF,” which turns the Black Best Friend trope on its head – turning the camera away from the usual white female lead, and onto the black best friend – follows a black woman who steps out of the shadows of her friends in search of her authentic self.
Stewart, who helped conceive the series with Jones, is also executive producing alongside Cedric the Entertainer and Eric Rhone via Cedric’s Bird and a Bear Entertainment.
Jeff Melnick (“The Soul Man,” “Hot In Cleveland”) serves as a producer.
Stewart, known for playing the black best friend on TV and film, will next be seen in the indie drama “Hunter Gatherer” starring Andre Royo, which opens next month.
Stewart is repped by Domain, Robyn Bluestone Management and Meyer & Downs.