Hailed as one of the best shows on television, Ava DuVernay‘s Queen Sugar tells the tale of the Bordelons, a trio of siblings in rural Louisiana who must grapple with how to handle their father’s 800-acre sugarcane farm following his passing.
The show stars Rutina Wesley as eldest Bordelon sibling Nova, Kofi Siriboe as Ralph Angel Bordelon, Dawn-Lyen Gardner as Charley, Tina Lifford as Violet, Omar Dorsey as Hollywood and Bianca Lawson as Darla.
Viewers often wonder if Queen Sugar s based on a true story? Well, it may not be based on a true story, but it does have source material that existed before the show.
The show is based on the novel of the same name by author Natalie Baszile. Queen Sugar marked Baszile’s debut novel. A graduate of UCLA and Warren Wilson College, Natalie Baszile published Queen Sugar in 2014 to universal acclaim, garnering the attention of Oprah Winfrey’s Harpo Productions, which immediately optioned the novel for adaptation.
Premiering in 2016, Queen Sugar has been hailed for its depiction of a Black American family, was recently renewed for a sixth season on the OWN channel following its season 5 premiere.
“When Ava came to us with the idea to revamp the storyline for the new season after production was halted due to the pandemic, we knew it was the right decision to give our viewers her unique perspective on the very real issues impacting their daily lives and the affect the demand for racial equality has had on the Black community and our society as a whole,” OWN president Tina Perry said upon news of the show’s season 6 renewal. “We are proud to announce today the pickup of the show’s sixth season which will air later this year enabling us to further explore the compelling story of the Bordelon family. We are grateful to Ava, her creative team, the incredible cast and tireless crew for all the hard work they have put into the show.”