The final episode of Martin aired in 1997, but the rift between Martin Lawrence and Tisha Campbell, who played Lawrence’s love interest, Gina, lasted well beyond. However, the 2016 death of Martin co-star Thomas “Tommy” Mikal Ford, who played Martin’s friend Tommy, helped to bring all of the cast back together.
If you remember correctly, the original rift Campbell and Lawrence happened because Campbell accused Lawrence of sexual harassment during Martin‘s final season. According to a 1997 People magazine article, Campbell left the show before issuing a lawsuit against Lawrence. She later returned to the show after securing an agreement that in the scenes she would film, he wouldn’t be present on the set.
But Ford’s death and the reality of mortality helped to mend Lawrence and Campbell’s relationship. Both Campbell and Lawrence spoke about Ford’s death and the subsequent healing of their relationship to TV One, as Bossip reported.
“When we recently lost Tommy, that was a blow to all of us,” Campbell said.
“He just was the glue, always positive, keeping us together, always funny, never negative,” said Lawrence.
“When he left us, I had just spoken to him. He brought us back together, sadly at his funeral,” Campbell continued. “That’s where you go, let’s heal. Let’s keep in touch. Let’s not let all this time go by.”
You can watch the full video below.
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Photo credit: TV One
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