Internet wellness guru Coach Stormy has officially earned the nickname “plate police.” Born Stormy Wellington, the coach was a guest on Fox Soul’s TEA G-I-F and shared her side of the cookout fiasco that went viral on social media.
Hosts Funky Dineva, Al Reynolds and Claudia Jordan thanked Stormy for being on the show and jumped right into the mess.
The Real Housewives of Atlanta alumni kicked off the conversation by saying, “In the video, you told your friend that her plate of food was low vibration and suitable for a hood rat, while your plate was fit for royalty. Break that down for us real quick.”
Wellington gave some history of the relationship between her and her hungry friend.
“So hold on, let me just say something, there’s a history with this young lady that y’all saw in the video. Her name is Tammy Price, I have been a mentor, her coach and her friend. She literally calls me her angel,” she said.
Price is part of Wellington’s wellness product empire, Total Life Changes, and Wellington said that she has coached Price for over seven years. She also added that Price is aware of how blunt and direct she can be.
“I feel responsible for her success,” she continued.
Although Wellington slightly praised Price for her ability to be a top earner, she said Price “dishonored and disrespected” her by sitting next to her with that plate of food.
Wellington recounted her distaste for the packed plate, this time, shifting some of the vibrational blame to the caterers — even though this was her event.
“I did not know what the caterers were bringing,” she continued. “It was just low vibration. It was thrown together. It was very tacky and distasteful.”
As she defended herself, Funky Dineva was visibly in tears. And not being able to hold it in anymore, he decided to give Wellington a piece of his mind.
“I’m sitting here laughing because, from my perspective, you actually make this worse,” he said. “Because you sat up there, in my opinion, as a friend and embarrassed this lady! She was hungry. Your plate was giving starvation realness — then compared it to royalty.”
“Stormy, you give more hoodrat daily than that woman’s plate did,” the host continued. “You had green fingernails and were licking barbecue sauce off your fingers!”
“Also, you were eating shrimp — they are roaches of the sea. And corn has no nutritional value,” he said.
Funky Dineva continued to drag Stormy for her audacity and ended by saying he would have “knocked the food out of [her] hand” and “shown her exactly how low the vibrations could have gotten.”
Twitter caught hold of the footage and reacted to the host, dragging her poolside lesson.
Twitter user @AirTarig was shocked Stormy still believed she was right.
I’m in here crying @ Coach Stormy trying to explain why she said her friends plate was hoodrat and low vibrational 😭
— Tarig (@AirTarig) October 13, 2022
“And, once that food hit the ground you would saw just how low that shit would have vibrated!!!” Cleared her clean TF out! Lmfao wheeew chile
— Smoke Solutions Network Inc. (@avadagrtest) October 13, 2022
It was the nails for @jojodamus91.
Came for her and her green fingernails 😭😭😭😭
— Haven’t You Heard? I’m Jojo 🤷🏾♀️❤️ (@jojodamus91) October 13, 2022
Lmaoooo Dineva let loose!!!! Lmaoo @FunkyDineva
— Dorothy Zbornak (@itsmissnunu) October 13, 2022
And some Twitter users had questions, including @MalikThaElite.
I was so entertained but there nugget about corn not having any nutritional value… it’s that true?
— MALIK. (@MalikThaElite) October 13, 2022
After Stormy gathered herself, she admitted that she was happy the clip went viral.
“I call myself the queen of controversy,” she said. “When we finished, I said, ‘That’s going to go viral, and I knew it — I knew that everybody was going to pick that video apart.”