Former NFL star Martellus Bennett is voice-acting in a new children’s animated series called The Fantastical Adventures of A.J.
The series is based on the two children’s books written and illustrated by Bennett, Hey A.J., It’s Saturday and Hey A.J., It’s Bedtime.
According to Deadline, the book series is based on Bennett’s relationship with his daughter and features the titular character A.J. and her friend Theo the Bunny who go on extraordinary adventures. There is also a podcast and and apps based on the property.
The franchise hails from Bennett’s Imagination Agency, which creates books, apps and other content to inspire children.
“Fantastical Adventures is another piece in the creative puzzle in the Hey A.J. series,” said Bennett in a statement. “I want kids to imagine themselves in every universe and know no boundaries when it comes to their imagination.”
The Fantastical Adventures of A.J. will premiere on iTunes July 20.