Spike’s new original scripted series “The Mist,” based on the classic Stephen King novella of the same name, which hails from TWC-Dimension Television (TV), premiered 4 days ago, on June 22. The premiere episode has now been released online for those without cable TV – which is many of us.
“The Mist” tells the story of a foreboding mist that arrives in one small town ushering in a terrifying new reality for its residents, putting their humanity to the test. What will people do to survive when blinded by fear?
The series ensemble cast includes, with respect to this blog’s interests:
— Okezie Morro as Jonah Dixon, a military man with amnesia. He can’t remember who he is. As the truth about his identity unravels, shocking secrets will be revealed.
Morro is a graduate of the prestigious London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA). His first film role was in the George Lucas-produced World War II epic “Red Tails” opposite Cuba Gooding Jr., Terrence Howard and David Oyelowo. He immediately followed up with a supporting role in “World War Z.” His television credits include MTV’s “Shuga” and BBC’s “New Tricks.”
— And Isiah Whitlock, Jr. as Gus Redman, a local mall manager. When a new society forms from the mist survivors at the mall, Gus will have to decide if he will take the role of leader and exactly how far he will go to keep order.
Whitlock recently completed filming Warner Bros “Chips,” directed by Dax Shepard, and the Independent film “Human People.” He also recently appeared in Amazon’s “Chi-Raq” directed by Spike Lee and the remake of Disney’s “Pete’s Dragon” being released this August. He currently recurs on HBO’s comedy series “Veep” as Secretary of Defense General George Maddox and in the FX series “Atlanta” and FOX’s “Son of Zorn.”
Christian Torpe and Amanda Segel are Executive Producers of “The Mist.”
Bob Weinstein, Harvey Weinstein and David Glasser are Executive Producers for TWC-Dimension Television with Megan Spanjian, Matthew Signer and Keith Levine as Producers.
Levy, Ted Gold, Senior Vice President, Scripted Original Series, and Lauren Ruggiero, Senior Director, Scripted Programming will oversee the project for Spike with Vlad Wolynetz as Co-Executive Producer.
Check out a trailer for the new series below, and to watch episode 1, you’ll have to head over to Spike TV’s website because they don’t allow for video embedding on other sites. Click here to go there.