Thirty years after we were first introduced to Eddie Murphy’s Prince Akeem, the acclaimed comedian is returning with the long-awaited sequel, Coming 2 America. In the first film, Akeem found his happily ever after with Queens, New York-born Lisa McDowell (Shari Headley). Now, on the eve of his ascension to Zamundan throne, Akeem discovers Lavelle (Jermaine Fowler), a son he never knew he had.
Though he has three very capable daughters (portrayed by Kiki Layne, Bella Murphy, and Akiley Love), Akeem decides to head back to Queens and fulfill his father’s dying wish — preparing Lavelle to become the crowned prince.
Coming 2 America opens a new chapter in the beloved tale. Along with the nostalgic elements, there is a more fully realized Zamunda, Ruth E. Carter sumptuous costuming, and a stand-out performance by Leslie Jones. The film offers a new chapter in a story that has been so meaningful to the Black community and film overall.
Ahead of the film’s Amazon Prime debut, Shadow and Act spoke with Murphy, Arsenio Hall, Jermaine Fowler, Nomzano Mbatha, Teyana Taylor, Rotimi, Bella Murphy, and Akiley Love about the highly anticipated sequel.
“We’d never thought about doing a sequel to this movie,” Murphy said. “It came to me because the movie hung around. [Coming to America] became apart of the culture and had a cult following. It was on TV all the time. People were saying lines and catchphrases like “Sexual Chocolate,” and people drop the mic now; Randy Watson was the first to drop the mic. People were dressing up on Halloween, and having Halloween parties as the characters, so the idea for the sequel popped up after I saw all of that five or six years ago.”
The Delirious legend added, “So, I got an idea, I got the original writers, and we came up with a structure, and then it took another three or four years before we got it done.”
Coming 2 America is streaming on Amazon Prime Video now. Watch the full interview below, including the cast’s thoughts on a third film, via last week’s episode of Shadow and Act Live on Facebook: