A&E Network’s new original comedy series, “Black And White” is described as a provocative weekly in-studio show that tackles the third rail of both comedy and politics: race. Hosted by Christian Finnegan and Sherrod Small, this new series covers the notable headlines sweeping the nation through the fresh and funny points of views of these comedians and longtime friends.
Taped in front of a studio audience, and joined by celebrity guests and commentators, “Black And White” aims to be a smart, funny and honest conversation about race in America. Utilizing sketch, parody and social experiments, the show will tackle current and relevant stories in the news through the prism of race, and will use comedy to diffuse the tension.
The eight episode studio based comedy show premieres Wednesday, July 13 at 10:30PM ET/PT on A&E.
“A&E is proud to bring our viewers bold, new programming with a unique point of view – or in the case of ‘Black And White,’ two points of view,” said Elaine Frontain Bryant, EVP and Head of Programming for A&E Network. “Sherrod and Christian are the perfect comedic duo to deliver real conversations about hot button topics that will entertain as well as incite viewers to join the conversation.”
“Black and White” is produced for A&E Network by Jimco Productions. Sherrod Small, Christian Finnegan and Kara Welker are executive producers. Executive producers for Jimco Productions are Jim Biederman and Marla Ratner. Elaine Frontain Bryant, Shelly Tatro and Sean Gottlieb will serve as executive producers for A&E.
Watch a promo below: