#EmbracingKwanzaa is an original series by Grits & Gospel and exclusively distributed through Blavity that is dedicated to putting a spotlight the importance of Kwanzaa's seven principles and how embracing them can better lead to our collective progress.

Am I my brother’s keeper? Hell yeah, and so are you. No man is an island, and we all depend on each other to thrive and survive. In a world that doesn’t keep our plight top-of-mind, the harsh reality is that if we don’t take responsibility for each other’s well-being, then who will? I think we all know the answer.

When we talk about collective work, we talk about unity and self-determination. Any group filled with a bunch of self-determined and unified people has great power. They have power in numbers, power in conviction and power in persistence. But with great power comes great responsibility. So yeah, you are your brother’s keeper.

You are your brother’s keeper when they ask you to edit their resume or when they need advice on their long distance relationship. You are your brother’s keeper when she is struggling with substance abuse or an eating disorder. You are your brother’s keeper when his locker room talk is out of control, and when the new girl at your job needs a mentor. This is our responsibility. This is our collective work.

As black Americans, it’s our duty to support each other financially. Support black businesses and communities, whether you have the hook-up or not.  

As black Americans, it’s our job to support each other emotionally. Ask questions to understand, not to judge.

As black Americans, it’s our responsibility to support each other’s dreams and collectively work through the everyday struggle.  

As black Americans, we are the village that raised that child. We are strong and we are one.

When we take responsibility to work together, we strive for Ujima.

Next up, Ujamaa.

Missed a day? We got you!

– #EmbracingKwazaa: Series Intro

– Day 1: Umoja

Day 2: Kujichagulia