When I was a child, my parents and grandparents insisted that I speak the King's English (it's really the queen's English since Queen Elizabeth ll now sits on the throne- but I digress). Speaking the Queen's English was instilled as a measurement of protection because I was Black, male and eventually would become educated. I wasn't allowed to use slang and or slangish tones in my voice that could potentially cause any communication problems with White America. So I don't understand why the 45th president of the United States is allowed to have such a limited vocabulary when it comes to explaining his administration, its goals for the country and its people. Are we suppose to believe that being simplistic makes you intelligent?
President Trump uses the same group of words to describe anything and everything about his progress as president. Now I know you're saying to yourself, "self I don't have a problem with his choice of words, why do you?" Well, if I was under the age of 18 and did not have any real world experiences then I would expect that person to have a limited descriptive vocabulary. However, when you're the "Great Donald Trump" the man that wrote "The Art of The Deal" whom believes his greatest sacrifices to America are the buildings he has built and often reminds the American people how intelligent he is by saying "I'm a smart guy", I must begin accepting your descriptive vocabulary is proof to how limited your thinking really is. So on behalf of the members of Generation X who are educated, overqualified and underemployed, I would like you to stop using words and phrases like:
Really well
Tremendously well
Really really good
Better and better
People really like it a lot
Amazing job
Doing a great job
More and more
Very powerful
Trust me I know
……………and the big daddy of them all
Believe me.
Mr. President, the time has come for you to raise your vocabulary from class president to commander in chief. As the leader of this nation, the limiting words you continually make use of makes you sound less presidential, uninformed and disconnected to a large segment of the American people. I for one am dumbfounded at how the media isn't roasting you left, right and center for your poor use of the English language. We the American people, expect more from the president, not the nonsense you have done in your first 100 days. If I'm honest, I had very little hope that you could ever be presidential but somehow we all wait secretly with bated breath for that shining moment to happen in which you'd prove us wrong. Yet, we all know deep down inside we would have a better chance of finding a leprechaun holding an elephant in his right hand, a bucket of water in his left hand while riding a unicorn backwards.
My generation would like to know when do you actually plan on settling in and becoming President of the United States, not the court jester on the world stage? If you don't mind, here's a bit of advice for you starting immediately on your 109th day in office. Cast down your buckets, grab a thesaurus, pull yourself up by the bootblack and start doing your job for "all" Americans not just the ones that trust, believe and probably don't understand your nonsense. They say "when you know better, you do better" (fingers crossed).