AMC has released the first trailer for Dispatches from Elsewhere. The anthology series boasts a high-profile cast with Jason Segel, André 3000, Sally Field and relative newcomer Eve Lindley. Segel also created the series and directed the pilot.
The official description: The ten-hour series is centered around four ordinary people who feel there’s something missing in their lives, but they can’t quite put their finger on what it is. This diverse foursome is brought together by chance – or perhaps it’s by design – when they stumble onto a puzzle hiding just behind the veil of everyday life. As they begin to accept the mysterious Dispatches from Elsewhere challenges, they come to find that the mystery winds deeper than they imagined, and their eyes are opened to a world of possibility and magic.
The series was filmed in Philadelphia. André 3000, whose real name is André Benjamin, recently appeared on the big screen this year in Claire Denis’ film, High Life.
Watch the trailer below:
Photo: AMC
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