What began as a typical commuting day in Southeast D.C., turned into one that was horrifying and violent for 20-year-old Diamond Rust, WUSA reports.
According to Metro Transit Police, last week, Rust walked right past the fare box and sat down on the bus with her 1-year-old son and 2-year-old daughter when an undercover cop approached her and demanded she leave the bus.
“I’m pacing back and forth like ‘Can you hurry up?’" Rust explained. "He said he felt threatened with me pacing back and forth.”
Admittedly, Rust kept pacing and walking. The officer then reportedly slammed her to the ground and arrested her. The incident left Rust with a cut face, four broken teeth and a fractured knee.
"The girl lifted my face up and I seen her — my daughter like right there crying. That’s when I started crying,” Rust noted. “My son he don’t even like looking at me now. My daughter keeps saying police did this to mommy."
BEFORE AND AFTER: This is what happened when Diamond Rust was arrrsted for fare evasion and resisting arrest by Metro Transit Police on Tuesday last week. @wusa9 https://t.co/HaTzkyanXy pic.twitter.com/nGRGpENrYo— Michael Quander WUSA (@MikeQReports) February 11, 2018
According to the police report, Rust continued to put her hands in her pockets and ignored the officer's commands.
Rust has a DC One card, which allows her to ride DC Metro transit for free, but she didn't have her card on her the day of her arrest. A picture was taken of her bag showing cash and two trip cards.
Rust plans to file a complaint against the officer with Metro Police Department.
When asked whether she would do anything differently if she could start her fateful ride over again, Rust replied, "No. because this is just the person I am.”