Finding this a bit late in the game, but as we all know, every bit helps with crowdfunding…
Filmmaker Thomas Allen Harris, director of acclaimed PBS documentary "Through a Lens Darkly: Black Photographers and the Emergence of a People," has launched an Indiegogo campaign to bring the film and associated transmedia project, "Digital Diaspora Family Reunion," to schools across the country.
The documentary is said to be the first to explore the role of photography in shaping the identity, aspirations and social emergence of African Americans from slavery to the present.
Called the "1World1Family Tool Kit," Harris’ new project will include teaching guides for high school educators, diversity and inclusion templates for businesses, and community tool-kits for local organizations.
Harris and team seek to raise $150K for the project, with just one week left in the campaign at the time of this writing. Find the pitch video below and to donate, click the widget at bottom or visit the campaign page HERE.