Have you filed your taxes yet? Sure they're not due until mid-April, but what's the point of procrastinating when you could be raking in the refund sooner than later? For real, putting off your taxes is pretty much pointless, especially because the process could be totally free to complete.

Some people choose to go to third-party services to complete their taxes, but for the average person, that's more of a waste of money than anything. You can file your taxes for free — seriously. The only requirement is that your income is below $64,000.

The IRS provides free tax filing software for anyone within the income requirements, so you can go straight to the source for easy-to-use, budget-friendly software for getting your taxes done and getting those refund checks processed. (And even if you make more than $64,000, there are free fillable forms on the website that you can check out if you're already familiar with the process.)

On the IRS website, you can double-check their list of what you'll need to get started, download the free software, check out the how-to-use guide and even validate your return and e-file your extension after filing your federal and state taxes.

So if you made less than $64,000 last year, gather your paperwork, download the free filing software, take a deep breath and knock out your taxes ASAP. You'll be so glad you did (especially when it costs you $0).

This post is brought to you in partnership with Intuit.