A housekeeper is suing singer and actress Brandy for wrongful termination and age discrimination, according to the Blast.
Elizabeth Juarez filed court documents under the California Fair Employment and Housing Act in Los Angeles County Courts, citing that the 43-year-old let her go as a housekeeper because the singer no longer wanted “an older employee.” Juarez said that she is over 60 years old.
Brandy hired Juarez in Sept. 2002 to tend to her home in Calabasas, California, and paid her $125 a day for “cooking, cleaning, and doing the laundry,” according to the court filing, the Blast reports.
The housekeeper is now suing for over $250,000 in damages since being terminated on Feb. 25, TMZ reports. Juarez alleges that Brandy owes her wages for the last two days of her employment, as well as overtime pay for the past several years. She also said she was not permitted to take her legally required breaks.
Juarez’s filing states that Brandy did not provide “itemized wage statements that properly and accurately itemized the number of hours she worked at the effective regular pay rates and the effective overtime pay rates.”
“Employers’ actions towards (Juarez) constitute disparate treatment based on unlawful age-related reasons. Such discrimination was a substantial motivating factor, but not the sole factor in causing her damages,” the court affidavit alleges, according to The Blast.
“As a direct and proximate result of (Brandy’s) conduct, individually and collectively, she suffered and continues to suffer substantial losses in income, earnings, and benefits and has been damaged in her capacity to earn her salary and has lost and will continue to lose employment benefits,” the document continues.
Brandy has not responded to the lawsuit publicly. Still, her representative issued a statement, saying, “We disagree and will have further comments after we speak with our lawyers,” the Blasts reports.
Brandy is also facing another lawsuit by a fashion designer and store owner who said the singer did not return a ring she borrowed to wear to the American Music Awards, TMZ reports.