If you are ever starved for a good read, the internet is an infinite pool of content that'll meet all of your needs. We decided to save you the hard work and compile some of the best blogs and content platforms in the game right now for black millennials.
Here are 12 places that you should refresh daily, follow on social media and all-around just keep up with:
Very Smart Brothas
Very Smart Brothas is a culture blog founded in 2008 by Damon Young, Panama Jackson, and Liz Burr. The site offers "commentary, essay, and humor about news, pop culture, race, and sex." Through a unique lens, the site's articles, from humorous commentary challenging our 90s obsessions like "'Martin The Show Was Great, But Martin Payne The Character Was Trash" to thought-provoking think pieces like "I Will Never Underestimate White People's Need to Preserve Whiteness Again" are definitely a must-read on a daily basis.
Awesomely Luvvie
Luvvie Ajayi is a jack-of-all-trades! The speaker, host, digital strategist (among many other titles) uses her blog, Awesomely Luvvie as one of her many platforms, to opine about pop culture, social media, race and much more. From pieces that dissect Black Twitter & social media like "The Stages of Social Media Grief of Celebrity Deaths" to the more serious "About the Heartbreak of America's Choice," you're always going to want to hear what Luvvie has to say.
Watch The Yard
Watch The Yard is the #1 digital destination for black greekdom or members of the nine historically black fraternities and sororities: Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Omega Psi Phi, Kappa Alpha Psi, Delta Sigma Theta, Phi Beta Sigma, Zeta Phi Beta, Sigma Gamma Rho and Iota Phi Theta. From probate videos, to step show performances, to listicles about some of the most famous BGLO members; Watch The Yard is not only must-see content for black greeks but for everyone.
Artistic Manifesto
Artistic Manifesto, founded by Michell C. Clark, curates the best in music for the "eclectic, selective hip-hop lover." From editorials describing how it feels to see the Kanye West you thought you knew change right before your eyes, to in turn, the recent growth and evolution of Gucci Mane, Artistic Manifesto is where it's at.
Shadow & Act
Shadow & Act is a platform dedicated to reporting all things related to "cinema, television and web content of Africa and its global Diaspora," founded by Tambay A. Obenson. If there is anything you need to know about the latest black filmmakers, black television, black film or black actors, Shadow & Act has definitely got it. There is nothing in black television & film that this blog will miss.
Black Girl Nerds
Who doesn't love being a blerd!? Even if you don't identify as one, Black Girl Nerds will bring out the inner-blerd in you! Founded by Jamie Broadnax, the Black Girls Nerds community is "a place for women of color with various eccentricities to express themselves freely and embrace who they are." Black Girl Nerds is just a very lit brand, and it's just the beginning. Be sure to follow them on Twitter so you don't miss out.
Reely Dope
Reely Dope is a Bay Area-based platform intended to give an "informed, relatable angle on all things media." Their articles include anything from talking about how Rogue One's brand of political isn't really useful, to why The Rock is #DadGoals. They also have a "reely dope" podcast, which is totally worth checking or and giving a listen to as well.
Reign XY
Reign XY is a content platform created by Cornell alums Toi and Gabby, seeking to deliver content for women as an "informal guide to being Generation Y, X-Chromosomes." From counting down the Top 5 tracks we had on our MySpace pages to highlighting 19th and early 20th-century black female activists, you should keep your eyes on Reign XY.
Mattie James is one of the best examples of making your passion your business. Her blog, Mattieologie, was first a hobby. Then James won the Miss Liberia USA pageant, became an influence, and used these opportunities to turn Mattieologie into what it is today. James & the Mattieologic team cover style, shopping, tech and much more!
Geeks of Color
Geeks of Color is also another website for all the blerds out there. Owned by Dorian Parks, its mission is to create an inclusive environment for Geeks of Color while uplifting diversity within pop culture." Aside from propelling the culture by helping us keep up with the latest Black Panther casting news, GoC has assembled a squad of writers that will keep you entertained.
If you're a fan of the #blkcreatives chat on Twitter, then you're sure to love their site! The #blkcreatives brand was created by Melissa Kimble, who is the senior social media manager at EBONY & Jet. It is described as "a lifestyle brand for the young, professional and Black creative with a mission to shift the culture from the inside out." Living true to this statement, you'll find book lists, job listings for creatives, amazing features and much more.
For Harriet
For Harriet is "an online community for women of African ancestry," launched by its founder, Kimberly Foster in June 2010 while she was a student at Harvard University. She wanted to offer an alternative to mainstream media's representations of black womanhood. Since that time, For Harriet has become one of the most popular online destinations for black women.
XoNecole is the second platform from Necole Kane, who we first met through her late 2000s urban entertainment gossip site, Necole Bitchie. Kane stated that she became someone that she wasn't, and thus changed directions and started XoNecole, a place where "positive images of women of color flourish, where life, work, travel, and fashion intersect." From interesting features like "This 56-Year-Old Grandmother Is Proof That Pole Dancing Knows No Age" to helpful how-to guides on how to navigate life as a millennial, XoNecole is another hit from Necole Kane.
What are some of the popping blogs and content platforms that we've missed? Which platforms are you excited about the most for this upcoming year? Please share them in the comments below!