“Bad and Boujee” is the gift that just keeps on giving.
It gave us that Donald Glover speech. It taught students (and let’s face it, the rest of us, too) the perils of being “mad and losin’.” It’s given each and every one of us God only knows how many good times.
And now, with Disney’s remake of Beauty and the Beast about to drop, Nerdist has given the Migos’ modern classic a fairy-tale make-over with “Belle and Boujee.”
Photo: Vanity Fair
Natasha Ward stars as Belle, rapping about her life in the Beast’s castle — how she’s “young and rich and a princess,” spends her time “chillin’ with a clock and a teapot” and how “my life is Belle and boujee.”
The video even features hot bars from Lil Uzi Chip whose porcelain tongue hypes up Belle and comes for Gaston and anyone else even thinking about messing “with my crew.”
Photo: Giphy
You have to watch it. Thank God for “Bad and Boujee.” And let’s keep these spoofs coming!
Photo: Geek and Sundry