While the origin in unclear, #GoHomeDeRay sprang up on Twitter shaming social media organizer DeRay McKesson‘s presence in South Carolina during the aftermath of Charleston’s Emmanuel AME shooting. The hashtag has been filled with racists trolling the Civil Rights activist, and it became a trending topic on Sunday night. This unsolicited attack utilizes historical anti-Black rhetoric that vilified many Black folk, especially Black leaders.
They say @deray is "no MLK," but they treat him just the same. (Mason City Globe-Gazette, Sept. 1965) #GoHomeDeray pic.twitter.com/DY5kgtzsJ1
— Sam Adler-Bell (@SamAdlerBell) June 21, 2015
The hashtag was repurposed to show how this sort of attack has historical relevance for derailing justice work in America. And folks called this out quick:
.@deray, racists never have any new material. Only difference is now they try to hide their racism. #GoHomeDeray pic.twitter.com/PewvwFjJp3
— Benjamin Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon) June 21, 2015
Many folks quickly tried to reclaim the hashtag with covert support:
#GoHomeDeray. Get a good night sleep and get ready for tomorrow. Much work to do.
— Soledad O'Brien (@soledadobrien) June 21, 2015
I saw #GoHomeDeray & I thought wow, Deray's activism really frightens the little bigots.
Then I laughed & laughed! pic.twitter.com/Zana9YzEXE— ❄VerySpecialAmericanSnowFlake❄ (@miamidecor) June 21, 2015
Black Twitter members, including celebrities and everyday faves, came through to support DeRay’s work and combat the hate with #ThankYouDeRay.
#ThankYouDeray for your courage, activism, inspiration, and dedication.
— 𝓑𝓵𝓸𝓬𝓴𝓪 𝓕𝓵𝓸𝓬𝓴𝓪 𝓕𝓵𝓪𝓶𝓮 🧁 (@GregariousAli) June 21, 2015
#ThankYouDeray for being unafraid and calling out systemic injustice and racism in America
— ProfB (@AntheaButler) June 21, 2015
#ThankYouDeray for keeping the #BlackLivesMatter movement relevant each and every day. Your diligence and resilience is seen and heard.
— Black Girl Nerds (@BlackGirlNerds) June 21, 2015
Of course the longtime revolutionary bae held his own on CNN today, because he knows his place in the work.
See the love on #ThankYouDeRay, and clap back on #GoHomeDeRay.
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