In light of new evidence, Robert Rihmeek Williams, better known as Meek Mill, has a new post-conviction appeal hearing scheduled, according to Fox 29.
In 2007, the Philadelphia native was convicted on gun and drug charges. Last year, in a controversial trial, he was sentenced up to four years by Judge Genece Brinkley, for violating his parole. Brinkley is currently being investigated by the FBI; in the most recent Mill trial, others figures were found to have acted improperly.
The appeal hearing was granted not based on these developments, but rather new information discovered this week; suggesting Mill was wrongfully convicted in 2007.
The Philadelphia Inquirer reports the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office kept a secret list of police officers known to be corrupt. The list was kept in order to ensure officers believed to have racial biases, a history of lying, a history of brutality or all three, were never called to testify against the citizens of Philadelphia in court.
Reggie Graham, the now-retired police officer, who arrested Mill in 2007 and is on the list, testified against Mill. Meek's lawyers brought this into question since Graham is an arresting police officers on Mill's original case. He is also the key witness against Mill. Grahams's testimony differed radically from Mill's, but as an officer of the law, his word was taken to be true, and Meek was sentenced to five months in prison.
Graham has now been accused of lying under oath and Mill is in prison, serving time for violating the terms of his parole, for a sentence he may not have had to serve if not for Graham.
Meek's new court date is set for Monday, April 16.