An assistant principal in Maine allegedly called a biracial student a "n***r" to teach him a lesson.
Jessica Gouin told WMTW that her 9-year-old son Javon, who attends Willard Elementary School in Sanford, came home and told her about the incident.
The superintendent said the school administrator was trying to prove how words can hurt, WMTW reported.
Neil Jarett, the boy's father, said his son was sent to the principal's office for bullying another student and that's where assistant principal Kathryn Davis called him a n****r.
“We’re trying to make an example and we failed in terms of being able to do that," superintendent Matthew Nelson told WMTW. "But there was no malice intended. It wasn’t intentional in terms of that.”
According to News Center Maine, the parents said their son is now afraid to go back to school.
"He used to love to go to school, pack his lunch, hurry up, drop him off at the bus stop, but now it's like 'I don't want to go school today,'" Gouin told News Center Maine. "My son does not feel comfortable at that school."
Nelson didn't confirm the name of the assistant principal or discuss the details of the possible consequences.
"I can't comment on specifics, but I will let you know in cases as important and serious as this we always try to make it a type of situation where there is proper discipline, also a big educational component and also a restorative component," Nelson told News Center Maine. "I'm confident we're addressing all three of those."
Jarett told the news station that Davis said the slur repeatedly.
“She said yes I know I’m wrong I did call your son a n****r, and I wasn’t thinking about the consequences at the time or what it would do to your child,” Jarett said. "'Javon, I'm sorry I called you the N-word.' Like, she just keeps using this n****r word."
The parents said they are worried for their son every day at school and that they are disgusted with the school as they are still waiting for the assistant principal to be disciplined.