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Manga, comics or graphic novels originating from Japan, is a worldwide phenomenon, inspiring millions and spanning multiple cultures. As a fan for most of my life, I've always wondered, why is there a lack of authentic Black representation?
This past year I took a leap of faith and set out on a bold new journey: creating a manga series. This has been a lifelong dream of mine, and trailblazing this venture with Afrofuturism Manga BOLDSAGA has been extraordinary. The series centers on empowering young Black kings and queens to seize greatness via stories about underdogs rising.
It feels surreal to know that I went from watching anime and reading manga frequently to starting BOLDSAGA, which was one of the hardest and most rewarding experiences ever. Why? “Imprimis, Chapter One," required nearly two years of research on African cultures, customs and language, including Xhosa, Zulu, Khoi and more, as well as illustrating, writing and self-publishing the story with assistance from my wife, Tamara.
Add my grandfather passing away, going to his funeral in Antigua and the COVID-19 pandemic to the mix and you have what looks like a recipe for disaster. However, the challenges and setbacks of this past year took the seed of my dream and buried it deep under layers of stress and setbacks. In the darkest moments, I watered it with faith in my purpose and was truly empowered by my dream to flourish, despite the vicissitudes and limits of life.
In addition, as CEO of Great Gale LLC, it has been an honor to creatively endeavor on this new path, using a decade of my experience in graphic design, illustration and more while making BOLDSAGA. This unlocked in me seven major keys that I used to rewrite the narrative in manga that up-and-coming mangakas and entrepreneurs can learn from, too.
1. Trailblaze A New Path
First things first, don't just replicate what already exists. Do what you love and provide value because substance outlasts style. This is why I created a plan and worked day and night for almost two years to create BOLDSAGA. Instead of fitting into a crowded ocean of ordinary, I ventured off and carved my own lane, coalescing Afrofuturism and manga into one fresh new genre. Thus, allowing me to master this niche and forge a legacy.
2. Treat It Like A Business
We all have dreams, goals and ideas, but the problem is we sometimes don't execute. This could be due to fear, low self-esteem or not treating your dreams like what they are: a business. Seeing it in this way will force you to evolve, collaborate with others and stretch yourself to the maximum and beyond. You have to give 120% intention and execution because, in the game of life, there will always be someone else coming for the top spot. If you want it to be you, you have to treat your dreams like a business.
3. Applied Knowledge Is Power
I know we've heard it before, knowledge is power. However, the reality is that applied knowledge is power. That's why Dr. Eric Thomas said, “Knowledge is the new money, get you some!”
This is paramount to your success, it's why I did so much research for my Afrofuturism Manga and how I learned these facts. According to Titlemax, out of the 25 highest-grossing media franchises of all time, the top spot was Pokémon (an anime-inspired video game worth $92.121 billion), six franchises were manga and four other franchises were manga/anime-influenced.
4. Staying Power Is The Major Key
The start of every idea or dream is so much fun. You have so many goals you want to accomplish and you're brimming with energy. However, at some point, you encounter the valleys of your dream. In my journey this was my grandfather passing away, failing my deadlines countless times and not having the right tools to realize my dream. This is where staying power is crucial. I had to promise myself I wouldn’t quit, no matter what.
5. Being Relentless Opens Doors
Amid the setbacks and failures, I encountered so many limits, especially negative self-talk. When I felt exhausted and depressed, I activated my second wind. I had to tell myself I am fighting for my dreams relentlessly. I took agency, and with my actions I said “no” to ordinary and “yes” to extraordinary.
6. Your "Why" Is Your Fuel
What fueled me to be relentless while creating BOLDSAGA was focusing on my “why” — realizing the exact people I am making this story for and how reading it can impact them to chase their dreams. I also made it a point to remember that by seeing authentic Black representation in manga they can realize they matter, their culture matters and they are kings and queens who have intrinsic value.
7. Be Yourself
This is the most essential of all the keys, yet the most overlooked. The fact is, we aspire to be like those we look up to, yet you are your most authentic when being yourself. It's what I had to learn personally, because as much as I look up to other creatives and mangakas, when I created from an authentic place, it was the game-changer. My work evolved exponentially because I began to understand no one can be a better you than yourself.
All in all, the road to following your dreams is filled with highs and lows — times when you're up and times when you want to give up. But keep going and keep growing, the reward will well be worth the pain. This applies to being a mangaka as well as an entrepreneur. My goal with Great Gale and BOLDSAGA is to expand it into a Kickstarter campaign, multiple chapters, a motion comic and even an anime. My desire is to inspire young Black kings and queens that they can live their dreams out loud, too.