This week officially marks the launch of Beyoncé’s latest installment of her Ivy Park collection. Aptly titled “Ivy Heart,” the collection comes just in time for Valentine’s Day. Aside from the obvious star power that is Queen Bey, Ivy Park differs from many other athleisure brands due to its focus on inclusive and stylish pieces that reflect the diversity of the world we live in, with items that come in a multitude of sizes. While many celebrities have been known to sport these fashionable clothes, it’s refreshing to see content creators slaying in them as well. With social media home to an abundance of Black creatives, it’s always a treat to see them unveil their takes on the iconic brand, interspersing their unique style onto them.
Here’s a list of six Black content creators who look fabulous in their Ivy Park gear.
1. D V M E
Hailing from the motor city, D V M E (pronounced Dame) can be seen fabulously rocking pieces from the Halls of Ivy line.
2. Lvteef
A self-proclaimed style connoisseur, Lvteef is stylishly posing in a jacket from the Halls of Ivy line.
3. Fab Glance
The name “Fab Glance” is one that Melissa Watkins has earned as she looks absolutely fabulous sporting pieces from the Ivy Park Rodeo collection.
4. Mariama Diallo
It makes total sense that Mariama Diallo is sporting items from the Flex Park drop since that’s exactly what she’s doing — flexing on all of us in all of her splendor.
5. Dane Pemberton
The world got a little bit icier when Dane Pemberton uploaded photos in an ensemble from Icy Park. Who needs the heat when you can bring the chill?
6. Chastity Saunders
Chasity Saunders may be an incredible actress, but we’re not going to act like she didn’t snatch our edges with this incredible look from the This Is My Park collection. Well done!
What’s your favorite Ivy Park drop? With all of them being hits, it’s hard for us to choose! In the meantime, we’ll gladly accept an orange box from the Queen.