As someone who looks to Instagram for foodspiration, inspiring quotes and all-around life hacks, it means a lot to have accounts I can go to for some real #fitspiration. Now I don’t mean people like Khloe Kardashian, Beyoncé or the IG celebs who might have surgically-altered bodies. I don’t mean those who have been photoshopped and get paid to take pics with their waist trainers and their fit teas. I mean real people, people who are struggling, who fight every single day to maintain a healthy self-image and do not wage their self-worth on being thin. People who remind their followers that it’s so important to love yourself.
I want to see people I can relate to physically and mentally, because as much as I love following celebs (and trust me, I do), their stories don’t always inspire me. I just can’t relate to their circumstances. So, here are my favorite body positive Instagram accounts. They’re filled with activists, models, mental health warriors and all around awesome people, who remind me to take care of myself and teach me to forgive my body for not looking like a magazine cover. They are taking a stand against typical beauty ideals and normalize beauty in all shapes, sizes and colors. Most importantly, these IG accounts show me that body positivity goes beyond size and they provide me with more inspiration to love myself than any celebrity photos ever could.
1. bodyposipanda
2. mynameisjessamyn / jessamynstanley
3. isupersheng
4. effyourbeautystandards
A photo posted by 👙EFF YOUR BEAUTY STANDARDS™👊🏼 (@effyourbeautystandards) on
5. nourishandeat
6. nadiaaboulhosn
Thank you for this interview @papermagazine! Link in my bio to read it. #papermagazine
A photo posted by Nadia Aboulhosn (@nadiaaboulhosn) on
7. itsmekellieb
8. endangeredbodiesnyc
What makes YOU happy? Tell us in the comments below! #happynewyear #newyearresolution #bodypositive
A photo posted by Endangered Bodies NYC (@endangeredbodiesnyc) on
9. gabifresh
10. theashleygraham
A photo posted by A S H L E Y G R A H A M (@theashleygraham) on
11. thebodyisnotanapology
12. winnieharlow
A photo posted by ♔Winnie♔ (@winnieharlow) on
13. bbwgeneration
14. thechristinecho
15. healthyisthenewskinny
16. philomenakwao
A photo posted by Philomena Kwao (@philomenakwao) on
17. marquitapring
✨Stay fly✨ 📸 by @anastasiagphoto #IMGirls
A photo posted by marquitapring (@marquitapring) on
18. goofy_ginger
19. preciousleexoxo
A photo posted by PRECIOUS LEE💋 (@preciousleexoxo) on
20. fatgirlflow
A photo posted by Fat Girl Flow (@fatgirlflow) on
21. mandythered
Yes!! #beyourself #nevertooold #plussizemodel
A photo posted by Mandy Holverson (@mandythered) on
22. jordynwoods
Always remember to love yourself.. Taking advantage of the sun shining today and basking in it 🌞
A photo posted by @jordynwoods on
23. positivebodyimage
Start with body acceptance, body love will come. #selflove #bodylove
A photo posted by Positive Body Image 💞 (@positivebodyimage) on
24. jagmodels
A photo posted by jagmodels (@jagmodels) on
25. honorcurves
A photo posted by I am Honor Curves // 🇨🇦 (@honorcurves) on
26. MusingsOfACurvyLady
A photo posted by Thamarr (@musingsofacurvylady) on
Every body-positive person sharing their story makes a difference to someone. I hope that like they have for me, these Instagrammers will provide some encouragement and real inspiration for you.
Which accounts do you follow for body positivity and inspiration? Share with us in the comments!
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