It's that time of year again.
Whether you're in grade school or grad school, the first day of school brings anxiety, excitement and sometimes just downright dread.
What better way to express the roller coaster of emotions we have heading back to school than through one of our '90s favorites, Family Matters?
Let's walk through the day, shall we?
When you freak out before your alarm goes off thinking you're late for school:
When you second-guess the first day of school outfit you spent all night picking out:
And when you end up wearing it anyway:
When your roller-set just didn't come out as planned:
When your parents won't let you stay home an extra day:
When you can't find your class even though you've been enrolled at the same school for years:
When you finally find your class and discover that no one you like has homeroom with you:
When you purposefully wore your Sunday best so that you could sit out during gym:
And when your gym teacher makes you participate anyways:
When your teacher praises you for showing up to class early despite you both knowing that you only did it for the first day, and that you plan to pop in the room when the bell rings from here on out:
When the band at the back to school pep rally shows out and that becomes the highlight of your day:
When someone is sitting in your self-assigned unassigned seat:
When lunch becomes your favorite part of the day because you're practically dying of hunger for skipping breakfast due to morning jitters:
When that one classmate acts extra the moment a tray drops in the cafeteria:
When the bell for dismissal finally rings:
And you finally get home, only to have your parents say you have to go back tomorrow: